Mold Inspection Reports from Monroe
Below are recent mold inspection projects we’ve completed in the Monroe area. These reports can help provide you with an idea of the issues we typically encounter in your region.
Project Type > Mold & Odor Detection Inspection Report
Reason for inspection:
- Client was originally concerned about an intense odor but believes it has been addressed with the discovery of a water leak this past weekend. Client has asked Environix to provide a protocol for remediation.
- This single family residential property was built in 1987 and is 1867 ft².
- An intense musty odor was present inside the bedroom at time of inspection.
- Elevated moisture noted in partition wall. The bottom 6” – 8” of the partition wall is wet in an area approximately 8’ long.
- Mold observed on the carpet tack strip. In the corner closest to the water leak, some mold and water staining was present on the carpet tack strip. The carpet is currently dry due to drying equipment having being set.
- Elevated moisture noted in the subfloor. See map.
- Elevated moisture noted in exterior wall. The bottom 12” of the exterior wall is wet in an area approximately 5’ long.
- Roto Rooter placed a large dehumidifier and a 1x HEPA 500 machine in this room after repairing the water leak last weekend. These machines were not running at time of inspection.
- Negative pressure, HEPA air filter system was not ducted outside the home and so created significantly elevated mold levels inside the bedroom.
- No entry into the bedroom is permitted unless full personal protection equipment is being used or until remediation has been completed and verified by a 3rd
- Full containment is required to be in place prior to performing the removal of any building materials.
- All porous items are to be placed into sealed garbage bags for removal from the room and then cleaned.
- All carpet and padding are to be removed and disposed of.
- Remove and replace all damaged carpet tac strips.
- Removal of the bottom 2 ft of sheetrock is necessary from all locations were elevated moisture was noted.
- Remove all damaged insulation from exterior wall cavity.
- Due to the elevated moisture content detected during the inspection, dryout of the underlying materials is necessary.
- Recommend a 3rd party clearance inspection and sample prior to rebuild.
- Elevated moisture noted in partition wall. The bottom 6” of the partition wall is wet.
- Elevated moisture noted in corner and end of wall.
- Elevated moisture noted in floor along edge of partition wall.
- No entry into the closet space is permitted unless full personal protection equipment is being used or until remediation has been completed and verified by a 3rd
- Full containment is required to be in place prior to performing the removal of any building materials. (The closet may be a part of the same containment zone as the bedroom.)
- Damaged linoleum and underlayment are to be removed and disposed of.
- Removal of the bottom 2 ft of sheetrock is necessary from all locations were elevated moisture was noted.
- Cleaning and dry out may be necessary under the stairway landing area.
- Remove all damaged insulation from exterior wall cavity.
- Due to the elevated moisture content detected during the inspection, dryout of the underlying materials is necessary.
- Recommend a 3rd party clearance inspection and sample prior to rebuild.
- Extreme Amplification (10x threshold): Mold spores were detected at levels many times greater than the threshold, indicating a site of high mold amplification and growth. Based on EMLab data, the fungi in question reaches these levels in outside control samples less than 10% of the time. Please refer to the attached report for more detailed information.
- Due to the elevated levels of mold spores, the operation of a commercial HEPA air scrubber is highly recommended along with professional remediation of the affected area. This will rapidly lower the indoor mold spore levels.